Vitamin C  Cancer Treatments



1.        New development: Oral Liposomal Vitamin C: (L-AA) = > Cancer-killing AA blood concentration.

2.        Recent Studies 2009, ‘12, ‘13 IV AA: Riordan, Japanese Meta Study, etc.

3.        Vitamin C in Cancer Treatment  Cameron & Pauling Report #14

4.        Overview of Vitamin C and Cancer as of 2000 Linus Pauling Institute summary of papers.

5.        Dr Frederick Klenner, vitamin C history and treatments overview

6.        Dr Klenner writes in 1971: Could ascorbic acid have anti-cancer features?

7.        Dr Lendon H Smith: Clinical Guide to Klenner's Use of Vitamin C

8.        Klenner’s Comments: AA utilization by the body in malignancy

9.        Klenner’s Cancer Protocol

10.    Klenner Protocol Details

11.    Dr Klenner summarized his cancer paper  

12.    Klenner’s tests during treatment

13.    From Klenner’s Case Histories

14.    Sugar & diabetes, increase immune system tumor tolerance

15.    From Linus Pauling Institute (LPI) at Oregon State University

16.    Digression from LPI  to present successful clinical results

17.    Necessary Treatment Dosage Criteria  

18.    AA Half Life Meanings

19.    Back to LPI material LPI Clinical Trials

20.    Matthias Rath, was a Pauling associate: Quote: “Cancer tumor growth can be stopped”

21.    Ketosis helps; Glycemia hinders effective treatment

22.    Serrapeptase  Enzyme (SpE) Attacks Tumor Sheath

23.    Rome Cancer Clinic treats Cancer as a Fungal/Yeast

24.    Gerson’s Diet that cures cancer:

25.    FDA Ban on pre-formulated AA injections

26.    AA/SA Antioxidant/Oxidant mechanisms

27.    Ascorbate reduced form

28.    Ascorbate oxidizing form

29.    Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins: Curing the Incurable

30.    References: Most relevant Vitamin C tribal knowledge

31.    John Ely References on Nutrition, AA, CoQ10, and Life Extension

32.    AA Headlines:

33.    References Vitamin C vs. Hyaluronate Lyase Enzyme


Vitamin C  Cancer Treatments


New Development: It is now time for the miss-information and stonewalling  of vitamin C to end.

Oral Liposomal AA (L-AA) has significantly higher blood adsorption and 98% vs. the ~20% transfer effectiveness for plain AA powder.  L-AA has ~5 times the transport effectiveness that was achievable before.  The gut to blood transfer no longer has a practical upper limit because the loose bowel phenomenon does not happen when AA is surrounded by Lecithin, a lipid emulsifier.  The Lecithin also facilitates the transport of the AA to lipid membrane microbes where it can be oxidized and the dehydroxy ascorbic acid (DHA) produced can be readily ingested by the microbes in place of sugars they crave.  The ingested DHA kills sugar-eating microbes and cancer cells. But the AA level must be high enough. Now it can be.

Optional microbe killing lipids like vitamins [A, E, & D], EGCG, coconut oil, capric & caprylic acids [anti-yeast], palmitic acid [butter], and olive oil can be included in the Lecithin lipid mix. Xylitol (a healthful sugar alcohol) that has anti-bacterial and anti-yeast properties can be used as a sweetener.

The levels of blood AA concentration that was historically found effective (by Klenner, Cathcart, and others) against bacteria and viruses in the blood was achievable only with continuous sodium ascorbate IV supplemented with oral AA. The sessions could take several days to weeks and were both inconvenient and expensive.  Only a few doctors provided these services.  Many doctors remained skeptical of their value because of flawed AA effectiveness studies.  These treatment modalities were a real bother.

We can now produce consistently high blood AA by intake of several grams of oral L-AA every hour during waking hours for a period of days in an outpatient mode of treatment.  The presence of the doctor is no longer necessary, just like it is not needed for most prescribed drugs.

L-AA is anti inflammatory by its nature; at high enough dosages it acts like an antibiotic plus antiviral plus anticancer chemo drug, with very few side effects.  The history of this AA treatment is described below.  What is new is the high blood active AA levels can be achieved by oral intake alone. To further improve this AA treatment, ketosis (See Atkins low carb diet induction) should be invoked. Xylitol should be used in place of sugar to force sugar using bacteria and yeasts to die back and gene shift to using Xylitol in place of sugar. The gene shift greatly reduces the pathogenicity of the microbes and yeasts. See our AA Ketonic Protocol discussion.  A video shows how to make your own L-AA.



Vitamin C is also called Ascorbic Acid (AA). Another (IV) form is Sodium Ascorbate (SA). This collection of notes on cancer treatment is mostly based on Vitamin C, not as a vitamin, but as the primary active medicine.


However, other elements and protocol factors can be used in a combined protocol.  See AA Ketonic Protocols for the mathematical theory of multi factored protocols.  Some of the other factors are pointed to near the end of the notes. 


When vitamin C is used as a medicine its pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics need to be considered and followed. Its use as an antioxidant means it switches from active (reducing) form to oxidizing form instantly when the molecule interacts with an oxide molecule.  Thus the active form concentration in the blood changes rapidly when ROS/NOS are present and the patient is in the scurvy state.  For this reason high amounts of AA need to be supplied depending on the amounts of toxins or oxides that are present.  The sicker the patient is, the more AA needs to be supplied and will be consumed rapidly. The patient’s hunger for AA expresses itself as allergies, pain, inflammation, redness, itching and feelings of sickness.


Much of the material here is derived from writings by Ewan Cameron, Linus Pauling, Frederick Klenner, Cathcart, John Ely, Andriew Saul, Lendon Smith.  Many of their papers are hot linked directly in the notes with only a brief summary.  There is much practical wisdom to be found in these papers, which should be read carefully to understand how vitamin C works as a medical molecule to kill cancer cells. Report #14 Vitamin C in Cancer Treatment

“30 years ago [1979] Dr. Pauling co-authored a book with Ewan Cameron MD, titled, Cancer and Vitamin C: A Discussion of the Nature, Causes, Prevention, and Treatment of Cancer With Special Reference to the Value of Vitamin C. The book is available at Amazon. . It may be of special interest to cancer patients what some of the readers recently wrote about the book:

Cameron and Pauling prove with clinical studies that large doses of Vitamin C taken over long periods of time are effective in controlling many cancers. Linus Pauling earned two Nobel Prizes. He deserved a third Nobel for this book.   Book Finder


Recent Studies 2009, ‘12, ‘13 Some IV  Treatment Successes and Some Insensitivities.

Riordan Clinic Research Overview  Cancer, IV Ascorbic Acid,  Nutrients, and  videos.

Riordan IV AA vs Cancer Clinical Statistics  Statistical summary of clinical histories of IV AA therapy and results. Spans 30 years and over 300 cancer patients, animal cancer research, and  IV AA treatments.

Riordan Orthomolecular Research Journal Archive  Many articles showing treatments and results.


High-dose Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) Therapy in the Treatment of Patients with Advanced Cancer S. Ohno, et al;  Journal of International Cancer Research and Treatment

A comprehensive overview of IV and other treatment methods, mechanisms and history.  More of a Meta-Study, with limited inputs.


From the Abstract:

“….As research results concerning ascorbate pharmacokinetics and its mechanisms of action against tumor cells have been published, and as evidence from case studies has continued to mount that ascorbate therapy could be effective if the right protocols were used, interest among physicians and scientists has increased. In this review, high-dose vitamin C therapy in cancer treatment is re-evaluated.”

Clinical Studies:

“Recently, Padayatty et al. reported well-documented cases of advanced carcinomas in accordance with NCI Best Case Series guidelines (56). In all three cases, high-dose intravenous vitamin C therapy effectively reduced the progression of a malignant tumor and improved the health status of these patients. Unfortunately, information on the plasma vitamin C concentrations of these patients is not available to establish a causal relationship between the route of administration, the resultant effective concentrations, and the observedVol 10 therapeutic effect. However, in the light of recent clinical pharmacokinetic findings and in vitro evidence of antitumor mechanisms, these case reports indicate that the role of high-dose intravenous vitamin C therapy in cancer treatment should be reassessed.”


The conclusion is equivocal but it calls for removal of blocks on funding for Ascorbate Research.


More recent studies 2012 and 2013

Effect of high-dose intravenous vitamin C on inflammation in cancer patients N. Mikirova, et al. Journal of Translational Medicine,  Vol 10, 2012


The Effects of High Concentrations of Vitamin C on Cancer Cells  --Seyeon Park,  2013

“Of the nine patients with the in vitro assay indicating their leukemic cells were sensitive to vitamin C, seven exhibited a clinical response, compared with none of the six patients who were insensitive to vitamin C.”


Overview of Vitamin C and Cancer as of 2000

Linus Pauling Institute summary of many prior papers.

“What can we conclude about vitamin C and cancer? While the theoretical speculation by Dr. Golde seems plausible, there is no clinical evidence that supplemental antioxidant vitamins, including vitamin C, harm cancer patients. Indeed, much of the recent cell culture and clinical research suggests that a combination of antioxidant vitamins and minerals as an adjunct to conventional therapy may have benefit. This is a complex issue, however, and there is clearly more to learn from controlled clinical trials about the use of these modalities in treating cancer before definitive conclusions can be drawn.”


Recent Publications of the LPI


Dr Frederick Klenner, vitamin C history and treatments overview.

Dr Klenner treated about 3000 patients with AA.  Dr Cathcart treated over 4000 with AA.


Dr Klenner writes in 1971: Could ascorbic acid have anti-cancer features?

“Schlegel[50] from Tulane University has been using 1.5 grams ascorbic acid daily to prevent recurrences of cancer of the bladder. He and biochemist Pipkin have been able to demonstrate that in the presence of ascorbic acid, carcinogenic metabolites will not develop in the urine. They suggest that spontaneous tumor formation is the result of faulty tryptophan metabolism while urine is retained in the bladder. Schlegel termed ascorbic acid "An Anticancer Vitamin". Along this line Glick and Hosoda[51] reported on work by Von Numers and Pettersson that the depletion of mast cells from guinea pigs skin was due to ascorbic acid deficiency. The possibilities indicated are that vitamin C is necessary either directly or indirectly for formation of mast cells, or for their maintenance once formed or both. Ascorbic acid will control myelocytic leukemia provided 25 to 30 grams are taken orally each day.


One can only speculate on what massive therapy would do in all forms of cancer. Many pathologic conditions are cured by giving 5 million to 100,000 million units of penicillin as an intravenous drip over a period of 4 to 6 weeks. How long must we wait for someone to start continuous ascorbic acid drip for 2 to 3 months, giving 100 to 300 grams each day, for various malignant conditions?”


Dr Lendon H Smith: (LHS) Clinical Guide to Klenner's Use of Vitamin C 1988.htm

LHS--“For a very severe illness, the dose he used was large and the most effective route was intravenous, but the intramuscular route was satisfactory. He gave at least 350 mg per kilogram of body weight. (A 70 kg man is 150 pounds; thus 70 x 350= 24,500 mg. He would use a 25 gram dose for a 25 gram illness.) This amount was put in 500 cc of sterile water, usually with dextrose, saline or Ringer’s solution. It was diluted so that there was at least 18 cc of dilutent to each gram of C. In small children, 2 or 3 grams can be given intramuscularly once every two hours. An ice cap to the buttocks will prevent soreness and induration. As much as 12 grams can be given in this manner into 2 or 3 different muscle sites with a 50 cc syringe; larger amounts must be diluted with dextrose or saline and run in by I.V. drip. If big concentrated doses are given by push (25 grams in a 100 cc syringe), the brain may become dehydrated causing convulsive movements of the legs. Intramuscular injections are always 500 mg to 1 cc solution. At least one gram of calcium gluconate must be added to the fluids each day. Massive doses of C pull calcium ions from platelets; and the clotting mechanism is weakened. Nosebleeds may occur. One gram of calcium gluconate is added to control acidity and to replace the calcium ion loss


“Sodium ascorbate is less painful. Some of us will put procaine, 2%, with the Vitamin C when injected into the muscle. Vitamin C can also be taken orally once the patient is recovering.


“This oral dose is repeated every hour for 6 to 12 times and then every 2-4 hours until recovery.


“If using under 400 mg per kg body weight, it can be given with the sodium salt. Doses over 400 mg per kg of body weight must be diluted to at least one gram to 18 cc of solution.


“He suggests the following for each bottle: 60 grams of C, 500 mg thiamin HCl, 300 mg pyridoxine, 400 mg calcium pantothenate, 100 mg riboflavin, 300 mg niacinamide. It is to be given once or twice daily.


“He used a 23 gauge needle intravenously and a 22 gauge needle for intramuscular use—one inch long for children and one and a half inch for adults.


“The idea of these big doses is to saturate the tissues; the white blood cells will be able to destroy pathogens. “I have seen diphtheria, hemolytic streptococcus infections clear within hours following an injection of ascorbic acid in a dose ranging from 500-700 mg per kilogram of body weight given intravenously as fast as the patient’s cardiovascular system will allow.”


LHS—“Klenner’s Comments: AA utilization by the body in malignancy.

“The part very large doses of ascorbic acid given intravenously over a prolonged period offers a medical challenge.


“From cabbage and tomatoes grown in the carbon-14 chambers radioactive ascorbic acid can be extracted, which can be used in tracer studies. At least one research team has demonstrated that in cancer all available "C" is mobilized at the site of the malignancy. Lauber and Rosenfeld reported that "C" is mobilized from the tissues of the body and selectively concentrated in traumatized areas.


“In one hopeless case we administered 17 grams daily for 92 consecutive days without changing the blood or urine levels from that associated with scurvy.


“This is the reason we believe a dose range of 100 grams to 300 grams daily by continuous intravenous drip for a period of several months might prove surprisingly profitable. Blood chemistry should be followed daily with such an investigation. Schlegel found that even a dose of 1.5 grams a day, by mouth, would prevent bladder cancer.” [Italics- added]


LHS—“Klenner’s Cancer Protocol

His protocol for treating cancer is printed here in total, although I do not understand the rationale for some of the ingredients. All of this is designed to kill the cancer cells by shoring up the immune system. He even recognized the therapeutic value for a positive attitude.

    Use radioactive cobalt when and where indicated. [Also Surgery]

    Give 45 grams of sodium ascorbate intravenously every twelve hours for one month. Then use 60 to 65 grams in 500 cc of normal saline or 5% dextrose in water for five days a week until a cure is obtained. It usually takes five months.   [Comment: This dosage is, perhaps, too low. The concentration-time math needs to be calculated]


LHS—“Details: Klenner Protocol

·        Each bottle is to contain one gram of calcium gluconate, a cc of some B complex, plus 1,200 mg of thiamin, 300 mg of pyridoxine, and 600 mg of niacinamide.

·        Oral sodium ascorbate, 5, 10, 20, grams daily. The dose depends upon the bowel tolerance.  [Especially between IV s;  split dose to 6-12 times per day, to reduce depletion to low blood levels]

·        Vitamin A palmitate, 50,000 units, daily, orally.

·        Pantothenic acid, (B5) one gram orally four times a day.

·        Amino acid protein powder with all the eighteen amino acids. 60 tablets each day or, if a powder, several tablespoons daily. This supports the immune system and the enzymes.

·        Tyrosine should be taken separately, if possible, as this one makes the others [Aminos] work better; 500 mg tablets—six daily.

·        In addition, a high protein diet using white chicken meat, fresh fish, chicken livers, and brown-shelled eggs. Beef (but once a week) should be as lean as possible: lean stew beef or sirloin tip are the best but have the butcher grind it three times. Hamburgers? Only once a week. Fruit and fruit juices are permitted. [Not the sugar fortified artificial drinks] Almonds are excellent.

·        No sugar and no starches.  UofWashington: Ely: Glycemic Modulation of Tumor Tolerance [Very important see Ely’s paper, quoted below]

·        30 to 40 apricot almonds should be chewed every day in divided doses until a continuous bitter almond taste develops. At this point the patient cuts the dose in half. “This will form cyanide by way of the stomach acid. Cyanide will kill cancer cells. Vitamin C will protect one against the lethal effects of cyanide. It is the antidote.

·        500 mg tablets of vitamin B17 are available. One after each meal and at bed time.” (Not everyone would agree with this part of the therapy. Cancer victims are still getting amygdalin B17, as injections from Mexico, but there is some doubt as to its efficacy. LHS)

·        Vitamin E, d-alpha tocopheryl acetate, 400 International unit size, 3,200 units daily. Don’t take iron with it.

·        One pint of grape juice daily.

·        B complex tablets with 100 mg of each of the B’s and 100 mcg of B12. Six to eight tablets daily.

·        Theragran-M or a similar capsule with all the minerals to replace what is being pulled out by the C.

·        Maintain the hemoglobin at 13 grams.

·        Keep a good attitude.



LHS--“Dr Klenner summarized this paper with this:

“The results suggest that larger daily amounts could be given in a hospital with faster results. I would suggest at least 100 grams in 1000 cc of fluid and given every twelve to 24 hours.

[Comment: Problem with long delays between IVs, the AA depletes to negligible in a few [3-4] hours without oral supplementation]

“The vitamins and the calcium gluconate also must be given.” He thought interferon could be assayed while the patient is in the hospital. “How long will it take for the general population to challenge the drug cartel?”


LHS--“Klenner’s tests during treatment:

He noted a monitoring method: “In all virus infections the Benedict urine reaction for sugar will run from two to four plus. After Vitamin C, this positive reaction will clear in 18 to 36 hours.”  [indicating no antioxidant AA in the urine]


We all know that Vitamin C is related to glucose and Vitamin C in the urine will show a reducing reaction, just as glucose does. If a healthy individual is given one or two grams of C by injection, the urine will show a positive Benedict sugar reaction for hours.”


This paradox, Dr. Klenner explains, indicates that Vitamin C and the virus bodies do form a new compound, and not a reducing chemical, otherwise with all this Vitamin C injected, there would be an increase in the response to the Benedict test.


When the urine starts to show a positive test to Benedict’s test, it is a sign that the virus is under control and the person is close to normal again. The Benedict’s urine test is a guide to treatment with C.


More than 30 years ago, Dr. Klenner developed the silver nitrate urine test. When treating severe pathological conditions, the test done every four hours will reveal the level of Vitamin C saturation. If the urine test is positive for Vitamin C, it means the tissues are saturated and the patient is on the right dose. It is not a waste; some spillage indicates saturation.


Note: AA reducing (antioxidant) form turns silver nitrate 2-4% solution black. If the color change is not observed, no antioxidant AA is in the urine, therefore the patient’s AA needs are undersupplied.


LHS--“From Klenner’s Case Histories:

Vitamin C will control myelocytic leukemia with 25-30 grams orally daily.

Small basal cell epithelioma: 30% Vitamin C ointment.


He cites a disturbing study: particles resembling viruses were found in some breast milk samples of women with breast cancer. Could this help to explain why some cancers seem to be “inherited?” It makes sense that all members of cancer prone families should be taking at least ten grams of C daily.


He reported a case of a man with [swollen] lymph glands all over his body. He got the above treatment and although the glands increased in size for a while, his liver and spleen were back to normal size in four months. Dr. Klenner noticed a ‘parachute-like’ substance in the urine. Microscopic examination revealed they were clumps of cancer cells.


Another case was that of a woman who had an adenocarcinoma of two years duration. She had had chemotherapy, two surgeries and extensive radiation over her chest, especially the neck area where the cancerous glands were. The cancer had spread to her lungs, her abdomen and six glands in her neck. Dr. Klenner gave her the above protocol. In three months the lesion in her lung had cleared and gone were the glands in her neck. After six months of intravenous Vitamin C and the B complex, the abdominal masses had disappeared, but she could not swallow food. The radiation had scarred her esophagus beyond dilatation and she refused more surgery. The cancer was gone; she died from starvation due to the radiation.”

End LHS—Quotations


Too much sugar, diabetes, increases tumor tolerance of the immune system.

UofWashington: Ely: Glycemic Modulation of Tumor Tolerance

Among the most striking effects in medicine are glycemic modulation of tumor tolerance and the associated improvements in health of cancer patients that can occur within months in the well nourished but semi-fasting state. We cite evidence that strongly supports the old view (Good 1970) that neoplastic initiations are always occurring but, in the cancer-free population, are found and reversed by immune surveillance performed by leukocytes, as part of Cell Mediated Immunity (CMI). Part of that evidence shows the 30, 100 and 10,000 fold increases in cancer incidence that result when immune surveillance is diminished by hyperglycemia or lost (as by thymectomy, etc). In essence, although not as drastic as thymectomy of course, hyperglycemia suppresses and hypoglycemia enhances immune surveillance (in the conditioned patient whose hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis does not produce a lympholytic state by excessive elevation of cortisol). Our use of "leukocytes" includes three major nucleated cells of the blood: granulocytes (or neutrophils), lymphocytes, and monocytes. The last two are effectors of CMI.”



From Linus Pauling Institute (LPI) at Oregon State University:


LPI Quotes:

LPI: “Studies in the 1970s and 1980s conducted by Linus Pauling, Ewan Cameron, and colleagues suggested that “very large doses” of vitamin C [Sodium Ascorbate] (10 grams/day intravenously for ten days followed by at least 10 grams/day orally indefinitely) were helpful in increasing the survival time and improving the quality of life of terminal cancer patients.


Note: Ten days of IV each day for ?? hours each day.  Most current clinical practice IV SA is not every day and not on weekends. The cure concentrations were not achieved by the cited Mayo Clinic studies, a greater concentration is called for. Even these IV concentrations and durations are considered low today based on years of clinical practice.


Comment: Today in 2011, this dosage appears to be quite low, see Cathcart’s vitamin C levels, below. The blood AA half lifetime is ½ hour.  Advanced stage cancer also depletes antioxidant AA, additionally, even more.


LPI: “However, two randomized placebo-controlled studies conducted at the Mayo Clinic found no differences in outcome between terminal cancer patients receiving 10 grams/day of vitamin C orally or placebo. There were significant methodological differences between the Mayo Clinic and Pauling's studies, and recently, researchers from the NIH suggested that the route of administration (intravenous versus oral) may have been the key to the discrepant results.


Comment:  This is true, and is the reason the Mayo trial failed.  The AA dosage was still much too low in the blood.  The depletion pharmacokenetics are shown in a table below. Also see:

Dr Robert Cathcart:  Preparing Vitamin C solution for IV/Injection use

Cathcart: Vitamin C Levels/Frequency vs. Disease/Condition


LPI: “Intravenous (IV) administration can result in much higher blood levels of vitamin C than oral administration, and vitamin C levels that are toxic to cancer cells in culture can be achieved in humans only with intravenous but not oral administration of vitamin C.


Comment: However in treatment, high levels of oral AA must be taken every few hours during the days between IV AA administration and also during the days of administration.


LPI: “Dr. Mark Levine and colleagues at NIH have investigated the anticancer mechanism responsible for vitamin C and reported that it involves production of hydrogen peroxide, [inside the cancer cell] which is selectively toxic to cancer cells.


Comment: Selectively toxic means that the depleted form of AA is not toxic to normal cells.  This is because cancer cells have a higher metabolic use of oxygen and are oxygen starved.  Thus the oxidizing form of AA (DHA) is disruptive to the cells energy pathways.


Comment: Vitamin C has two forms: Anti-Oxidant and Oxidizing (depleted) form. The Oxidizing form is active against cancer cells. The Oxidizing form is Dihydro Ascorbic Acid (DHA).


LPI: “Thus, it appears reasonable to reevaluate the use of high-dose vitamin C as adjunctive cancer therapy.


LPI: “Currently, there are no results from controlled clinical trials indicating that vitamin C would adversely affect the survival of cancer patients.”


[Because National Cancer Institute repeatedly turned down proposals]

See: Linus Pauling: The [In-]Effectiveness of the National Cancer Institute   [1977, After $-billions, Still no AA studies, Why?]


Degression from LPI  to present successful clinical results:

No “controlled clinical trials” is not the same as “No successful clinical results”.


The site (Author Andrew W Saul, PhD) has material documenting high dosage Sodium Ascorbate IV treatments. His books are highly recommended.

Review of Andrew Sauls cancer book:   I HAVE CANCER: WHAT SHOULD I DO?   Book Finder at AddAll

 Riordan Team’s IV AA Protocol PDF, contains the figures.

See: Description of Riordan’s IV methods: Intravenous Ascorbate as a Chemotherapeutic and Biologic Response Modifying Agent  (Summary without Figures) by The Center for the Improvement of Human Functioning, International, Inc., Bio-Communications Research Institute.  A discussion of successful application of AA IV to treating various cancer conditions that matches the criteria below.


Necessary Treatment Dosage Criteria:

The proper design of a treatment trial should include providing tested (not assumed) blood AA levels that are high enough concentrations to exceed the killing concentrations for cancer cells in vitro.  Papers exist with these cell kill blood AA concentration levels published for various cancer cell lines.  The duration of the AA levels at killing concentration must include several hours each day of maintenance of the killing concentration. Between the IVs high level AA oral intake is also needed.  High levels of glucose blocks AA utilization and high oxide levels consumes AA instantly.


AA Half Life Meanings:

Considering that the AA blood half-life is ½ hour.  A two hour delay between AA administration implies a depletion to 1/16 the initial level.  An eight hour delay in intake means the level depletes to near zero.  In the presence of a systemic disease condition, with accompanying toxins and reactive oxides ROS/NOS, the AA is much more rapidly oxidized than given in the table below. Rapid AA metabolization depletes stored reserves and requires replacement at intervals like it is a food, not a catalytic agent. This shows why frequently repeated and never missed oral AA supplementation is needed with pathologies.



Back to LPI material LPI Clinical Trials


LPI: “Recently, two phase I clinical trials in patients with advanced cancer found that intravenous administration of vitamin C at doses up to 1.5 g/kg of body weight was well tolerated and safe in pre-screened patients; other phase I trials are ongoing. Additionally, phase II clinical trials evaluating the efficacy of vitamin C in cancer treatment are currently under way.


LPI: “Some case reports have suggested that intravenous vitamin C may aid in cancer treatment. However, vitamin C should not be used in place of therapy that has been demonstrated effective in the treatment of a particular type of cancer, for example, chemotherapy or radiation therapy.”


Note:  Proper IV SA success statistics may be much greater than conventional treatments. Both can be used together, but some oncologists do not want to permit IV SA, and will abandon the patient who seeks supplemental treatment.  Get another oncologist.  Others report AA is protective for normal cells damaged by radiation and chemotherapy, and it potentates these therapies in killing cancer cells.


LPI: “If an individual with cancer chooses to take vitamin supplements, it is important that the clinician coordinating his or her treatment is aware of the type and dose of each supplement. While research is under way to determine whether combinations of antioxidant vitamins might be beneficial as an adjunct to conventional cancer therapy, definitive conclusions are not yet possible.”


Note the “combinations of antioxidant vitamins”  this indicates a major misunderstanding of how IV SA works.  SA operates against cancer cells as an oxidant, not as an antioxidant.


Comment: There is a dispute that if AA permits better tolerance of radiation or chemotherapy by permitting normal cells to recover more quickly, that this will also help to protect the cancer cells.  Since AA in high concentrations is not toxic to normal cells but is toxic to cancer cells, acting as an oxidant.  It does not appear that AA will interfere with the conventional therapies; instead it should enhance them.



LPI: “For more information about intravenous vitamin C and cancer, see the Linus Pauling Institute Spring/Summer 2006 Research Newsletter.


LPI: “In a presentation at a meeting of the American Cancer Society, a scientist suggested that supplemental vitamin C might enhance the growth of cancer cells or protect them from cell-killing free radicals produced by radiation and some forms of chemotherapy. An article published in the Spring/Summer 2000 issue of the Linus Pauling Institute Newsletter, Is vitamin C harmful for cancer patients?, provides additional insight on this topic.


LPI: “For information about the clinical use of high-dose intravenous vitamin C as an adjunct in cancer treatment, visit the University of Kansas Medical Center Program in Integrative Medicine Web site.


End LPI material.


Matthias Rath, was a Pauling associate:

Quote: “Cancer tumor growth can be stopped”

Matthias Rath claims cancer halted with vitamin C + lysine + proline + green tea extract

“We have developed a specific synergistic combination of nutrients that can inhibit invasion of cancer cells in the tissue and control other key mechanisms of cancer at the same time. This synergy utilizes a nutrient mixture (NM) of vitamin C, the amino acids lysine, proline, arginine, N acetylcysteine, green tea extract (EGCG) as well as copper, manganese and selenium”.


Using both in vitro and in vivo approaches, we provided comprehensive scientific data that this nutrient synergy can:

Inhibit tumor growth and cancer metastasis:

The following relevant mechanisms have been affected by this nutrient synergy

·              Inhibition of secretion and expression of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) curtailing connective tissue digestion

·              Inhibition of cancer cells invasion in the tissue (confirmed in almost 40 types of cancer cells)

·              Optimizing composition of connective tissue towards increasing its integrity and resistance to degradation

·              Decreased cell multiplication resulting in the inhibition of tumor growth.

As a result we demonstrated in vivo that the spread (metastasis) of cancer cells can be largely inhibited by the administration of nutrient synergy in the diet or by iv and ip delivery.

Ketosis helps; Glycemia hinders effective treatment  See AA Ketonic Protocols

Serrapeptase  Enzyme (SpE) Attacks Tumor Sheath helping to dissolve and reduce the tumor.

Case Histories of serrapeptase enzyme have shown significant tumor and cyst reduction starting immediately. Read our Serrapeptase Case Histories.  Serrapeptase is sold in the U.S. as a nutritional supplement.  Dosage is about 120000 units at taken at 2-3 x per day on totally empty stomach with 2-3 hours before and after each ingestion. Higher dosages of  SpE are reported safe.  Latent lung neoplasm reduction can produce blood in sputum.  Serrapeptase and some infections results in strong Herx reactions for fibromyalgia thought to be Lyme disease related.  Many long-term (years) users report it holds off recurrence of calcium nodule formation and pain in arthritis.


Rome Cancer Clinic treats Cancer as a Fungal/Yeast  (Candida) Infection using Sodium Bicarbonate

Dr. Tullio Simoncini is a roman doctor specializing in oncology, diabetes and in metabolic dysfunctions.  His studies of the polymorphisms of the many fungal forms of Candida albicans are largely ignored or attacked by less knowledgeable clinical practitioners. See  His Clinic Website  This an example where biology knowledge is extensive but the knowledge has failed to be appreciated by the medical profession. The pub med shows the sodium bicarbonate PH control is effective to limit the spread of some cancers and is ineffective for some others, like melanoma.  Browse his website and see for yourself.


Gerson’s Diet that cures cancer:


Gerson's Diet that cures cancer Movie   Gerson's Speech

bibliography of published clinical studies showing Gerson treatments'  benefits

bibliography of all of Dr. Gerson’s scientific writings.


FDA Ban on pre-formulated AA injections

The reason given is that the shelf life of AA solutions is very short.  It needs to be mixed a few hours before administration.  Otherwise the amount of AA delivered is not guaranteed to have the intended strength or effectiveness.  This is an entirely legitimate concern.  The emotional hype from Natural News, below, is a distortion of the facts, but it is typical of the public reactions, where the government tries to limit the access to a healing modality known to work.  Increasing the access to inexpensive healing modalities is preferred by the public, but is often lobbied against by the profit making medical and drug interests to restrict competition.

False: FDA Moves to Ban Injectable Vitamin C, Further Destroying the Health of Americans

Quote:  Source: Natural News…

“Counterpoint provided at bottom – the FDA is NOT banning IV Vitamin C. 

“Several websites, this one included, took the original report for face value and failed to investigate the claim further. ….  Regardless, it has placed the subject of IV C onto a lot of people’s radar who might have otherwise never heard of it or the awesome benefits of ascorbic acid in the fight against cancer. 

“Not content to kill 100,000 Americans each year with deadly Big Pharma drugs while censoring the truth about the healing effects of herbs, nutritional supplements and natural medicines, the FDA has now set out to deny Americans access to yet another lifesaving medicine known simply as vitamin C.

“As reported by the Alliance for Natural Health, the FDA has notified a manufacturer of injectable vitamin C that it will be criminally prosecuted if it continues to manufacture this lifesaving nutritional therapy.”

Comment: Following the new rules AA administration will be more dependable.

The FDA  action  may have resulted in the suspension or invalidating of cancer trials of “megadose” IV/C. These trials may have to be restarted/redesigned, a delay in publication, and a boon for the cancer industry.

Physicians will be required to obtain their vitamin C solutions for injection, freshly made, and in small quantities from compounding pharmacies, or make it themselves.

Physicians doing a high volume of IV/C may wish to adopt Dr. Cathcart's method of preparation. We predict that physicians using Cathcart-style IVs will observe significantly increased positive responses if their SA solutions are fresh and of known composition.


From Wikipedia:  AA/SA Antioxidant/Oxidant mechanisms:

Ascorbic acid is a mild reducing agent. For this reason, it degrades upon exposure to oxygen, especially in the presence of metal ions and light. (or in the presence of oxides in the body) It can be oxidized by one electron to a radical state or doubly oxidized to the stable oxidizing form called dehydroascorbic acid.

Ascorbic acid structure.png

Top: ascorbic acid
(reduced form

 of Vitamin C)



Dehydroascorbic acid.png


dehydroascorbic acid
(nominal oxidized form

 of Vitamin C)



Ascorbate reduced form usually acts as an antioxidant. It typically reacts instantly with oxidants of the reactive oxygen species, such as the hydroxyl radical formed from hydrogen peroxide. Such radicals are damaging to animals and plants at the molecular level due to their possible interaction with nucleic acids, proteins, and lipids. Sometimes these radicals initiate chain reactions. Ascorbate can terminate these chain radical reactions by electron transfer. This protects cells from oxide free radicals.

Ascorbic acid is special because it can transfer a single electron, owing to the stability of its own radical ion called "semidehydroascorbate".

Ascorbate oxidizing form Dehydroascorbate. The net reaction is:

RO• + C6H7O6→ ROH + C6H6O6.

The oxidized forms of ascorbate are relatively unreactive, and do not cause cellular damage to normal cells.

However, being a good electron donor, excess [Dehydro] ascorbate in the presence of free metal ions can not only promote but also initiate free radical reactions, thus making it a potentially dangerous pro-oxidative compound in certain metabolic contexts. In the absence of O2 .

Outside the cancer cells, the body needs a lot of antioxidant AA.  The AA blood levels deplete to a critical level and then histamine is released. Then NO and hydrogen peroxide levels rise exponentially. The blood levels near death are severely depleted of the antioxidant AA.  Administering a lot of AA to the terminal cancer patient neutralizes the NO and peroxides.  This eases greatly the discomfort. For the seriously ill, the administered AA converts rapidly to the depleted, oxidizing, dehydroascorbate form. 

Then this oxidizing form of AA easily passes into the cancer cells. It takes the place of sugar in the same pipelines that feed cells. Infected cells and cancer cells have a strong need for sugar.  Inside the oxygen starved cancer cell dehydroascorbate acts to produce hydrogen peroxide to kill the cell.  This mechanism also works to kill other (epithelial and blood/immune) cells invaded by viruses or bacteria.

Book:  Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins: Curing the Incurable, by Thomas E. Levy, M.D., J.D.

We asked Dr. Levy for his advice on recommending specific IV/C dosages. This was his kind response:

 “Dosage is always empirical, as in give more if the clinical response, especially in infections or poisonings, is not adequate.
  “One gram per kilogram of body weight would be a very good general guide, which would be about 20 to 25 grams for a 50-pound child and 100 grams for a 220 pound-adult. However, just giving most adults 50   grams at a time for most conditions works out well. Rate of infusion can range anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours, depending upon comfort of the IV, the amount being administered, and the condition being treated. (toxins, more rapid, infections, cancer, etc., less rapid).  The more rapid infusions will often be associated with hypoglycemia, which can usually be easily addressed with a little fruit juice or even a candy bar. But it is best if the added glucose/sugar can be avoided.  50, 75, or 100 grams of stock solution can each go in 500 cc sterile water.  I would always go with 100 grams for most cancer patients, as long as it was well tolerated.  
“Since you can give the stock solution IV push, there should be no arbitrary limit to how much you can add. However, it's a bit difficult volume-wise to put much more than 100 grams in a 500 cc bottle, unless you take significant water out. And remember, this is for pure sodium ascorbate infusions. Many other vitamins and minerals need much more attention to detail with regard to concentration. Really, unless you are treating a very small toddler or infant, you should be giving 25, 50, 75, or 100 grams of sodium ascorbate in a bottle. Otherwise, giving IV C based on 1 gram per kilogram of body weight should be specific enough.
“Powder is better than vitamin C crystals when making lots of solution. I do think the Millipore filtration is important, and the magnetic stirrer is very important when doing this on a regular basis.”


References: Most relevant Vitamin C tribal knowledge

Historical Vitamin C Ascorbate Articles 1930s to  1990s

Irwin Stone: The Healing Factor: Vitamin C Against Disease, 1972 Linus Pauling Institute  Vitamin C

Different Forms of Vitamin C, Linus Pauling Institute's Micronutrient Information Center

Sweden Lund Univ: Dehydroascorbic acid clears Alzheimer plaques in mice

Klenner and Cathcart References

Dr. Klenner and Vitamin C Robert Cathcart Preparing Vitamin C solution for IV/Injection use

Dr Robert Cathcart: Medical Tribune Letter: Clinical Trial of Vitamin C (1975)

Dr. Robert Cathcart: Medical Tribune Letter Vitamin C Function in AIDS (1983)

AA vs. Viral Diseases List and References

John Ely References on Nutrition, AA, CoQ10, and Life Extension

UofWashington: Ely: Ascorbic Acid and Some Other Modern Analogs of the Germ Theory, 1999

UofWashington: Ely: On Population Kinetics of an Aging Society:  Aging and Scurvy

UofWashington: Ely: Glycemic Modulation of Tumor Tolerance Sugars feed Cancer

UofWashington: Ely: On the Science of Essential Nutrients 2002  “Unprofitable Modalities”

UofWashington: Ely: Hyperglycemia Epidemic   B6 and Nutrition

UofWashington: Ely CoQ10 Summary of Ref Abstracts Physicians Update on CoQ10

UofWashington: Ely & Krone: "Brief Update Ubiquinone = CoQ10"

UofWashington: Ely & Krone: "Urgent Update Ubiquinone = CoQ10"   Turnover and daily consumption

UofWashington: Ely Langsjoen "Intro to CoQ10"


Other Important References

L. Pauling:  Lysine/Ascorbate-Related Amelioration of Angina (Arterial Sclerosis) [JOM 1991]

Theodore Jorgensen Physicist Letter  November 2003

Johns Hopkins: Vitamin C & E cut ICU deaths by 50%

Reduced Risk of Alzheimer Disease in Users of Antioxidant Vitamin Supplements

Aloe vera gel increases bioavailability ~3x of vitamins C & E  

Fonorow: CO-Q10, Statins, Vitamin C  2003 Headlines:



AA Headlines:

Harvard: Vitamin C only 1 of 880 substances to regenerate heart muscle from stem cells

Harvard study of 85,000 (15-Years) finds single vitamin C pill [daily] reduces heart disease almost 30%

Risk of stroke was 70% higher in the bottom quartile than in the top quartile for serum vitamin C

Vitamin C inhibits lipid oxidation in human HDL

More vitamin C as pills reduce cataracts by 77%

Carnitine, its building blocks vitamin C and lysine, increase muscle strength

Matthias Rath claims cancer halted with vitamin C/lysine/proline and green tea extract

Vitamin C boosts immune system in as little as 5 hours (NIH)

Vitamin C pills extend life 6-years (USC)

Vitamin C (and lysine) halt atherosclerosis

IV vitamin C reverses endothelial dysfunction

Vitamin C - new treatment for osteoporosis

Vitamin C can (1) prevent aortic deterioration; and (2) cure large aortic aneurysms without surgery.

Vitamin C dissolves cholesterol gallstones

Vitamin C dissolves Alzheimer’s plaques assists in brain cell regrowth.

High-dose vitamin C completely prevented drug-induced amnesia in mice


Vitamin C vs. Hyaluronate Lyase Enzyme

Bacteria Soluble Toxins

Bacterial agents restore antibiotic action

Cetyl Myristoleate natural compound valuable in arthritis conditions


Streptococcus pneumoniae hyaluronate lyase: Overview

PMID: 11278838 Vitamin C inhibits the enzymatic activity of Streptococcus pneumoniae hyaluronate lyase.

J.Bio.Chem: (2001) Vitamin C Inhibits the Enzymatic Activity of Streptococcus pneumoniae Hyaluronate Lyase

GlycoForum-GlycoScience-Science of Hyaluronan

Herpes Viruses And Associated Diseases  

Microbiology - Bio. 321 - Fall semester 2003 - 4th quarter lecture notes  

Hub for Integrated Medicine Diabetes II VitaC

Nutrition Vitamin C - Wikibooks, collection of open-content textbooks

transhumanism « Human Enhancement and Biopolitics