Slim-Fast Optima® chocolate cookie dough (energy bar)



A between-meal snack that fosters the sweet tooth habit. It is advertised as a “Meal on-the-Go®”. Energy bars, “diet” cookies or candies are not meals in any sense of the word. They stave off hunger until the next meal by means of a “sugar high”. 



Side panel:


Each bar weighs 56g, about 1/3 cup. Each bar represents 3.5g of total bad fat, 160 mg sodium, 33 net carbs, total 20g sugar (including 5g sugar alcohol).


Note in the ingredients list that the first ingredient is corn syrup and the third is sugar. There are many forms of processed sugar in the ingredients list. Candy is never a good choice for dieters.


Putting trace amounts of powdered vitamins is supposed to legitimize this energy bars and other comparable brands.




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