Toxins Act to Deplete Anti-oxidant Vitamin C

Humans, primates, guinea pigs and fruit bats all lack the genetic ability to synthesize Vitamin C, which is also known as ascorbic acid (AA). We, unlike most other animals are genetically unable to make the antioxidant form of AA. Therefore, we need to eat it to combat toxins, allergies, venoms, stress and disease.  AA plays a vital role in many life sustaining chemical pathways. It is normally stored, used, regenerated and reused. However in the presence of oxides it can be converted to an oxidant form which is rapidly excreted. It can deplete rapidly causing rapid onset scurvy, and worse, … anaphalaxis.

In cases of critical illnesses, drug-reaction toxemia, and poisoning or allergies from plants, from mold and mushroom toxins or from insect and snake venoms: we can recover quickly if we are fed or infused with frequent, multi-gram (5-10 gram) doses of ascorbic acid.  The anti-toxin therapeutic range of AA is more than 500 times the 60 milligram RDA allowance. In case of severe toxemia caused by acute infectious diseases, 10 to 100 times more AA than this 500 times RDA daily amount may be needed. There is no unsafe upper limit to the amount of AA that needs to be administered in such cases.

Emergency first aid for life threatening crises can be improved by substantial AA administration as a part of the therapy.  AA’s toxin neutralization works for all sorts of toxins and poisons ranging from carbon monoxide & cyanides, to nitrogen oxides and to the hyper oxides called free radicals. 

Toxins are oxidizing poisons from microbes and infections, food poisoning, insect bites and stings, snakebites, jellyfish stings, sunburn, frostbite, poisonous plants (oleander pollen, poison ivy and mushrooms), pollen (hay fever) allergies, food and respiratory (dust and dander) allergens. Vaccines contain allergens and toxic immune system stimulating adjuvants; building, agricultural and industrial locations may contain environmental toxic chemical compounds, minerals and metals that also can be allergens, e.g., mercury, nickel, beryllium and other toxic metals. 

Your allergic reactions to allergens are a sign of antioxidant AA depletion.  AA depletion reduces your resistance to infections, systemic and environmental toxins and inflammation.  As you age, your need for AA increases because your levels of systemic toxins rise; the mechanisms are described below.

Vitamin C is an often-overlooked toxin antidote

Toxins of many kinds, cumulatively deplete antioxidants systemically in the body. The effect of each different toxin is subtractive of AA reserves. In the presence of toxins and oxide molecules, vitamin C, glutathione and other antioxidants convert to their oxidizing forms. Antioxidants donate one, two or more electrons from the antioxidant form when they encounter a toxin or oxide molecule. They change properties and shape to become the oxidizing form of the no-longer-antioxidant molecule. The antioxidant form of ascorbic acid (AA) is dehydroxy ascorbic acid (DHA).  All the oxidized forms are themselves oxidants and toxins themselves.

The systemic supplies of the antioxidant forms deplete rapidly to dangerous levels. Histamine production increases exponentially when the blood level of antioxidant vitamin C falls below a critical amount. Histamine is associated with allergic symptoms, rashes and redness, pain, inflammation, itching, sneezing and coughing.  These allergic symptoms are indicators of vitamin C depletion.  Supplying AA can rapidly diminish many of these inflammation symptoms’ severity.

 Systemic levels of antioxidants (in blood, lymph fluid and tissue) can fall suddenly in the presence of chronic gut-infection-produced endotoxin, acute infections, colds, flu, and other toxic insults, like vaccines.

The ratio of concentrations of antioxidant/oxidant-form of ascorbic acid (AA/DHA) is a critical indicator of vitality and health. But AA/DHA is seldom measured, when it should be controlled, for example in a drug-effectiveness study.  When AA/DHA is in the range 6 and above you are healthy. When it falls to 1 and below, you are critically ill.

When AA/DHA < 1, vital chemical reaction molecule modifying pathways dependent on antioxidant molecules’ electron donation will shut down. Anaphylaxis can result, producing shock, lethargy, cyanosis and rapid death. 

 See Kalokerinos, collected notes.  SIDS (sudden infant deaths) and SBS (“shaken” baby) are associated with endotoxin, other chronic infections and sudden vitamin C depletion, sudden induced scurvy (Cathcart’s “anascorbemia”) accompanied in severe cases with systemic hemorrhage and blood vessel tissue disintegration.

Also, see Dr Thomas Levy’s book Curing the Incurable,   Chapter 3 which details the universal antitoxin properties of vitamin C. 

This universal antidote effect of ascorbic acid is not described adequately in Wikipedia sources. It is not mentioned in the antidote section of the tables referenced below.  This is an example of the iatrogenic ignorance of conventional medicine.

It seems that toxins universally cause their harm by depleting the antioxidant form of AA and other electron donor molecules.  When this depletion shuts down vital chemical pathways, death soon results. The natural antidote is to provide lots of antioxidant AA. This supplies electrons to revitalize essential chemical pathways.

Case histories of rapid recovery from AA depletion anaphylaxis are reported by Drs Frederick Klenner (North Carolina), Archie Kalokerinos (Australia), and  Robert Cathcart (California).

Notes: Toxins, Sources, and Antidotes

·           Sources of Bio-Toxins Table   -Wiki  (see below)

·           Endotoxin   -Wiki

·           Endotoxin Shock   -RA-IC

·           Antidotes   -Wiki

·           Drugs and Medicines   -Wiki

·           Poisoning and Toxicity   -Wiki

·           Medical Terms, Abbreviations   -Wiki

·           Toxicology   -Wiki

·           Vitamin C Pharmacokinetics   -RA-IC

·           How Vitamin C Works   -RA-IC

·           Liposomal Vitamin C   -RA-IC

·           How Much Vitamin C   -RA-IC


Cathcart Quote:

While it is true that we do not want to run out of vitamin C, vitamin E, and the other free radical scavengers, it is thought by most that small amounts of vitamins usually prevent that. Unfortunately, the frequently overlooked fact is that some of these free radical scavengers (notably vitamin C) are destroyed at a rapid rate in tissues overwhelmed by free radicals. An obvious example of this would be the acute systemic scurvy that occurs with the hemorrhagic fevers.

That this occurs is skillfully kept secret by the fact that no one will order to be tested the blood levels of vitamin C in these acutely ill, hemorrhaging patients. One can speculate as to the reasons why in patients hemorrhaging that blood levels of vitamin C are not ordered since the most well known symptom of scurvy is hemorrhaging. Is it an unbelievable level of stupidity or are there some financial reasons for not ordering the test and correcting the obvious acute induced scurvy?

The key issue here and the issue missed by even most nutritionally oriented thinkers is that with most antioxidant, free radical scavengers the electrons ingested in the usual and even large doses are minimal and that most of the electrons are provided by metabolic processes within the patient.

These processes are, unfortunately, rate limited. Whenever inflammatory symptoms occur, the rate at which the body can provide these electrons has been exceeded.

Ascorbate is the only free radical scavenger that we can ingest in the huge amounts necessary to provide the number of electrons to neutralize the massive amounts of free radicals generated by most diseases.

However, in the cases of Ebola, Marburg, West Nile, and bird flu the amounts of free radicals generated by the disease processes will usually be too great for even massive doses of oral ascorbic acid.

The amount of electrons in the sodium ascorbate that can be tolerated intravenously is even greater than the amount of electrons in the ascorbic acid that is tolerated orally. Therefore, in these severe cases it is usually necessary to provide enough electrons with the sodium ascorbate intravenously.


[To supplement the IV sodium ascorbate dosages, frequent concurrent administration of the maximum tolerated oral intake of vitamin C, as AA.  See Cathcart Titration to Bowel Tolerance.  The gut to blood transfer efficiency of oral AA is estimated at less than 20% and the blood half lifetime of AA is one half hour. Thus 1-3 hour intake spacing of smaller dosages is more effective than larger less frequent oral dosages.  Liposomal Vitamin C provides a new formulation with improved pharmacokinetics] –KFP

Endotoxin External links (From Wikipedia)

Toxins (enterotoxin · neurotoxin · hemotoxin · cardiotoxin · phototoxin)



Bacterial toxins


Gram positive


Clostridium: tetani (Tetanospasmin· perfringens (Alpha toxin, Enterotoxin· difficile (A, B· botulinum (Botox)

other: Anthrax toxin · Listeriolysin O




Streptolysin · Leukocidin (Panton-Valentine leukocidin· Staphylococcus (Staphylococcus aureus alpha/beta/delta, Exfoliatin, Toxic shock syndrome toxin, SEB)




Cord factor · Diphtheria toxin



Gram negative

Shiga toxin · Verotoxin/shiga-like toxin (E. coli) · E. coli heat-stable enterotoxin/enterotoxin · Cholera toxin · Pertussis toxin · Pseudomonas exotoxin · Extracellular adenylate cyclase



By mechanism

type I (Superantigen· type II (Pore-forming toxin· type III (AB toxin/AB5)




Lipopolysaccharide (Lipid A· Bacillus thuringiensis delta endotoxin



Virulence factor

Clumping factor A · Fibronectin binding protein A




Aflatoxin · Amatoxin (alpha-amanitin, beta-amanitin, gamma-amanitin, epsilon-amanitin· Citrinin · Cytochalasin · Ergotamine · Fumonisin (Fumonisin B1, Fumonisin B2· Gliotoxin · Ibotenic acid · Muscimol · Ochratoxin · Patulin · Phalloidin · Sterigmatocystin · Trichothecene · Vomitoxin · Zeranol · Zearalenone




arthropod: scorpion: Charybdotoxin, Maurotoxin, Agitoxin, Margatoxin, Slotoxin, Scyllatoxin, Hefutoxin, Lq2, Birtoxin, Bestoxin, BmKAEP, Phaiodotoxin  · spider: Latrotoxin (Alpha-latrotoxin· PhTx3 · Stromatoxin · Vanillotoxin  · Huwentoxin
mollusca: Conotoxin · Eledoisin · Onchidal · Saxitoxin · Tetrodotoxin

See Jellyfish   Box Jellyfish




fish: Ciguatera · Tetrodotoxin

amphibian: (+)-Allopumiliotoxin 267A · Batrachotoxin · Bufotoxins (Arenobufagin, Bufotalin, Bufotenin · Cinobufagin, Marinobufagin· Epibatidine · Histrionicotoxin · Pumiliotoxin 251D · Samandarin · Samandaridine · Tarichatoxin

reptile/snake venom: Bungarotoxin (Alpha-Bungarotoxin, Beta-Bungarotoxin· Calciseptine · Taicatoxin · Calcicludine · Cardiotoxin III



Note: some toxins are produced by lower species and pass through intermediate species.



Meds: Toxicology


poisons and toxicity
