How Much Vitamin C?   Well vs. Sick

© Dr. Katherine and Karl Poehlmann 2007


Note: The following information is the product of medical research and not intended to be prescriptive. Please consult your health provider regarding vitamins and supplements pertaining to your specific condition. See for more free health information.


Vitamin C is ascorbic acid, readily available in tablet, liquid, and powder form. Ascorbate is buffered ascorbic acid (calcium or sodium ascorbate)  which may be dissolved in sterile water designed for intravenous/injection use in high doses to combat chronic and acute illnesses.  Ester C is calcium ascorbate available in pill form. Calcium and sodium ascorbate is available in powder form. 


Cathcart has published a procedure for preparing ascorbate solution along with sources that sell the formulated solution. Dr. Klenner has published papers on the use of sodium ascorbate solution to provide IV and injected forms that permit very large dosages which are necessary in treating life-threatening conditions.


We have additional data under Ongoing Research on our website

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) IV Treatment Protocols for Cancer  (Oct 2011)

PubMed Abstracts Ascorbic Acid PharmacoKinetics:  (Nov 2011)

Vitamin C PharmacoKinetics and PharmacoDynamics:  (Nov 2011)


Suggested amounts of Vitamin C (AA):

Based on blood concentration AA’s Half-Lifetime is 30 minutes and 3 hours depletion is to 1/26 = 1/64.

When well more than 2 grams at a time has lower intake.


Well:  6 to 17 grams per day for a 200 lb. person. Take about 2 to 6 grams with every meal or up to 3 grams 6 times per day.

Six grams per day minimum to start immune system’s T- and B- cells’ recovery of function. These are the white blood cells. Build up slowly by 500 mg tablets (1/2 gram) to bowel tolerance. If diarrhea occurs, decrease by 500 mg. This is your individual tolerance. Spread the dose over the day for maximum benefit.

A typical daily vitamin contains only 50-100 mg of vitamin C. This is 1/20th to 1/10th gram, just enough to prevent scurvy but not nearly enough to prevent infections and other illnesses.

 The best form of vitamin C is the one most readily absorbed. Usually this is buffered powder (e.g., Ester C) or liquid to place under the tongue or in juice.


Acute: Toxin/venom Poisoning: 

Up to 100 grams per hour 3 to 8 times per day.  Intra-Muscular and Intra-Venous solution (for shock and unconsciousness)


Chronic: Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Lyme Disease, etc Minimum threshold for 100Kg body weight is about 6 grams. Frequency is several times per day. See below.

Depends on the condition, see Dr. Cathcart’s table on reverse side of this handout.


Ascorbate (AA) Dosage levels

Acute Illness: Oral dosage to bowel tolerance level depending of severity of illness, per Dr. Cathcart’s table. Severe colds may need 30 to 100 grams/day. Very few doctors prescribe Ascorbate effectively.


 2 tablespoons Vitamin C powder/hour for two days to several weeks, then decrease gradually. Quitting abruptly may result in “induced scurvy” condition. Vitamin C potentiates antibiotics, reduces allergic reaction to their use, and stops bacteria spread.


Chronic Illness: Polymicrobial infections may need 6, 12, 18, 24, or 32 grams per day of Vitamin C, with dosages evenly spaced (every 2, 3 or 4 hrs). Timed release tablets are worse than spaced dosage. Duration of use of Ascorbate for serious chronic intracellular infection and cancer may be forever.

Dr. Cathcart’s Table of Vitamin C Dosage

Dose Interval = 24 Hours/ # of Doses.

Source: Dr. Cathcart’s research at






4 – 15

4 – 6

Environ/food allergy

0.5 – 50

4 – 8

Anxiety, mild stress

15 – 25

4 – 6

Mild cold

30 – 60

6 – 10

Severe cold

60 – 100+

8 – 15


100 – 150

8 – 20

Coxsackie virus

100 – 150

8 – 20

Mononucleosis EBV

150 – 200+

12 – 25

Viral pneumonia

100 – 200+

12 – 25

Hay fever, asthma

15 – 50

4 – 8


25 – 150+

6 – 20


15 – 100

4 – 15

Ankylosing spondylitis

15 – 100

4 – 15

Reiter's syndrome

15 – 60

4 – 10

Acute anterior uveitis

30 – 100

4 – 15

Rheumatoid arthritis

15 – 100

4 – 15

Bacterial infections

30 – 200+

10 – 25

Infectious hepatitis

30 – 100

6 – 15

Candidiasis Yeast

15 – 200+

6 – 25

Highest levels require IV administration.  This is a guide. You should seek Professional Medical Support to administer high levels of AA by injection or IV.  Check the web for doctors in your community.  Look for orthomolecular and nutrition oriented doctors.


Other References:

L. Pauling:  Lysine/Ascorbate-Related Amelioration of Angina (Arterial Sclerosis)

[JOM 1991] A remarkable Case History Antibiotics vs. Chlamydia pneumonia might be added to protocol The above article is found at this website on the Wayback Machine archives.


Linus Pauling: The [In-]Effectiveness of the National Cancer Institute  

[1977, After $billions, Still no AA studies]





Also see Dr. Klenner’s articles:

 The Use of Vitamin C as an Antibiotic 

 The Treatment of Poliomyelitis and Other Virus Diseases with Vitamin C

 Dr. Klenner’s  1971 Vitamin C paper



Dr. Atkins’ Vita-Nutrient Solution: Nature’s Answer to Drugs   by Robert Atkins, M.D. Simon and Schuster, 1998, 1999, 407 pages. 

Dr. Atkins has compiled a guide to nutrition for the person who is ill. 


Vitamin C the Common Cold and the Flu  by Linus Pauling, Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1976, Freeman, 230 Pages.

A classic collection of information about how the body benefits from ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) when various diseases and infections are present. 


The Vitamin C Connection: Getting Well with Vitamin C  by Cheraskin, Ringsdorf, and Sisley, Harper  & Row, 1983, 291 pages. 

An update on Linus Pauling’s work, confirming his thesis and providing scientific research that connects Vitamin C to the prevention and treatment of colds, cancer, glaucoma, periodontal disease, pain, fatigue, allergy, rashes, vulnerability to stress, etc.


Cellular Health Series: Cancer  by Matthias Rath, MD, MR Publishing 80 pages with illustrated supplemental insert: The Victory Over Cancer is at Hand. Microbes invade the host’s leukocytes (macrophages) and/or other (liver, tissue, etc. cells), take over intracellular gene-driven enzyme production, and produce an imbalance. The insert describes how a combination of L-lysine, L-proline, Vitamin C and Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG, derived from tea or green tea extract) stops the destruction of tissue by viral-infected cancer cells. L-lysine is known to facilitate healing of Herpes-caused lesions. Vitamin C also facilitates healing, and disables viral and bacterial spreading-factor enzymes.





Dr. Poehlmann is the author of Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Infection Connection, available at and major bookstores, or click here to order now.


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